happy woman. woman feeling confident. woman managing adhd. therapy for adhd. therapy for women

Therapy for ADHD

I provide therapy for ADHD to women who are confused about how to manage their symptoms and fully accept themselves. I understand, and I’m here to guide you through this process.

You may:

  • question yourself and wonder “do I really have ADHD”

  • speak negatively about yourself often

  • have no idea how to make daily life easier for yourself

  • wonder how to be confident with your new (or old) diagnosis

I can help you learn more about all aspects of an ADHD diagnosis, and make adjustments for easier task completion. I can help you increase motivation, and decrease negative self-talk or limiting beliefs you have about yourself.

Women I support with ADHD have typically also struggled with, or have been diagnosed with, anxiety and depressive disorders. Women I support with ADHD also tend to have lowered self-esteem.

If you’re ready to feel confident in yourself and managing your ADHD, schedule a complimentary consultation with me today.

My approach to ADHD

Understanding and managing ADHD is a unique journey for each individual as it is influenced by how your individual symptoms show up in your daily life.

ADHD is a not a diagnosis you should feel ashamed about. Women with ADHD are some of the most engaging and creative people I’ve met. It’s okay to struggle with tasks that others may not. This doesn’t mean anything is wrong with you.

Engaging in therapy for ADHD can initiate self-acceptance through understanding your diagnosis and how to work with it.

Through open dialogue and exploration, we can work together to identify realistic solutions for task completion, increased organization, general follow-through, and increased motivation. We can address old messaging and it’s current impact on your self-esteem. (Whose been called “lazy”, when the struggle was much more real than that…)